This page is where I will post all my dragons, and some information on them.
Blaze: Blaze is a stone dragon. He is Taylor's younger sister, but they aren't very close. Blaze is much more protective of his younger sister, Saphira, a rain dragon. He is going to have a crush on one of Saphira's friend's, my friend Osprey17's dragon, Levira. |
Kissimi (Ki-see-me): Kissimi is my cinder dragon. She is the youngest of the four dragons, and the least matured for her age. This is her most recent picture of her getting her scales. She is good friends with her sister, Saphira, and will soon go on a playdate with my friend biningwang's blue dragon, Skyshade, or her grass dragon, Grassecho. Probably Skyshade, though, since they are closest in age. Since Kissimi's wings and other things haven't developed yet, she has focused more on improving her mental skills. She said her first word right after she hatched! |
Taylor: Taylor is a moss dragon. She is the oldest of the four dragon siblings. The picture above is when she had just hatched. She has now had her first flight and is going on to her first word. She has no friends with my other friends' dragons yet, just her younger siblings. She will soon catch her first prey and say her first word.