This is just a page for all my favorite cat avatars and the stories I've written about them. No copyright intended to Erin Hunter.
Applefang of BirchClan
This is Applefang of BirchClan. She is a mottled brown tabby with yellow eyes. Her brothers are Riverstorm and Snakefang, and her mother and father are Ivyleaf and Berrystorm.
Snakefang of BirchClan
This is Snakefang of BirchClan. He is a dark gray tabby with green eyes. His siblings are Applefang and Riverstorm, and his parents are Ivyleaf and Berrystorm.
Riverstorm of BirchClan
This is Riverstorm of BirchClan. He is a silver and white long-furred cat with blue eyes. His siblings are Applefang and Snakefang, and his parents are Ivyleaf and Berrystorm.
Stormstar of BirchClan
This is Stormstar of BirchClan. She is kind and helpful, but can be ferocious at times. She is also the founder and first leader of BirchClan.
Skybright of BirchClan
No picture currently
This is Skybright of BirchClan. She is kind of like Applefang, but a bunch friendlier, and mischevious. She has a sister called Silversky, and her mother and father were loners.
Foxwillow of StormClan
Foxwillow was StormClan's first apprentice medicine cat. She is a russet she-cat with yellow eyes like a fox's. She is the daughter of Windbreeze and Squirrelpool, and sister to Sunleaf.
Dawn of StarClan
Dawn is a gray she-cat with sky blue eyes. She is Stormstar's sister, but she died young, by being hit by a monster on the Thunderpath.
Goldenpelt of StarClan
This is Goldenpelt, the first elder of BirchClan. He had a golden pelt and yellow eyes, and died of old age. Goldenpelt and his mate Snowpool were also Stormstar and Dawn's parents.
Brindlekit of StarClan
Brindlekit was Loyalstar and Oakpebble's first daughter. Brindlekit died just a moon after she was kitted, and was a beautiful siamese color.
A lot of these cats (actually all of them) are from my site